- January 06, 2015
This thought-provoking thriller follows a detective, Ben Simms (Sean Patrick Flanery), as he tries to track down the serial killer who murdered his wife. Along with a new rookie partner, Daphne (Joey Lauren Adams), Simms must contend with a reckless vigilante who is out to murder the serial killer before Simms can track him down. THE GUNMAN (US Video), alternative title “A PROMISE KEPT”, poses deep philosophical questions while retaining a tense, action-packed tone.
The movie was shot in Austin, Texas, during the winter of 2002/2003 and was released in 2004. This is the second movie produced by Serendipitous Films and was released on video by First Look Media and on television by Lifetime. It’s being sold in the international market by Curb Entertainment. Here’s some poster art from the German release.
- Sean Patrick Flanery
- Joey Lauren Adams
- Mimi Rogers
- Jeff Speakman
- Brian McNamara
- Alaina Huffman
- Steve Krieger
Amazon, Lifetime