
Harvey Cleanup Continues in Houston

By September 4, 2017No Comments
Harvey Cleanup

Every house has piles like this.

Along with clients, we also have friends in Houston who were hit hard by Harvey.  The SFilms crew put away the video cameras and put on boots and gloves and got work for a couple days.  One friend’s mother’s house was a total loss.  The 89 year old woman was safe (rescued by boat), but her belongings were pretty much gone.  Among the antique furniture, we found her photo albums from the forties, fifties and sixties– they had been under the flood water.  We’ve done our best to save them.

To read about our arrival, click here.  The work is incredibly difficult.  There’s the physical part– and it’s brutal.  The Houston humidity mixed with the August heat and it zaps you quickly.  One of our team members had some heat exhaustion.  But it’s not the physical that drains you the most, it’s the emotional.  Right now in Houston and Beaumont, there are hundreds of thousands of stories just like this 89-year old woman.  Across the street from her, an older couple was struggling.  The woman told me she’d been married for fifty years and nothing even close to this has ever happened.

In our neighborhood, crews from Second Baptist were everywhere– and it’s people like this make a huge difference.  The homeowners are in shock. It’s difficult to make decisions.  They need people right now who can come in and do the heavy lifting.
