Actor Demo Reel FEB 21

We are tentatively scheduling a new actor demo scene shoot for Tuesday Feb 21.  We usually shoot in the afternoon and evening (to allow for those who can’t get out of work or school).  Go to the store to register.  We need to have a minimum for the shoot to take place.  The cost is $350 per person.  But brand new– if you do two, we will give a $50 discount (use coupon code “doubledemo”) so that 2 is $650 and not $700. Go to Store.

Demo Shoot

Rehearsing actors demo scene.

Here’s how it works:

  • You register
  • I contact you for headshots and to discuss your demo reel needs.
  • I write a short scene, pairing you up with another actor who has signed up.  I try to give you 20 to 40 solid seconds and same for the other actor in your scene.
  • A few days before the shoot, you get your call time.  We also talk about what props and wardrobe you need.  I usually supply a makeup artist.
  • At the shoot, we’ll talk it over, then run through it a bunch.  I shoot feature film style, and we’ll do multiple takes as I direct you.
  • After editing, I provide you with a high def quicktime file you can use in your demo reel.


In addition, due to demand, I’ve started editing reels together if you so choose.  We charge $150 to put together a one minute demo of your work,  and we can also shoot a slate for you at $75.  If you choose to do both the edit of the demo reel and the slate, I’ll put a moving shot of you at the beginning of your demo reel like this:

What are people saying?

I both like the fact that you offer more than 1 take and are willing to work with the actors so that their reels are the best they can be.


…watched the [other actor’s] reel, she and I loved it! made me wish we would of done two sepereate ones with you!


The story line is intriguing!  I want to know more!