
aerial photography Archives - S-Films

Aerial Video- Drones, Helicopters and Airplanes

By Corporate Video Production, Tips/Techniques, Video Production

We are often asked by our clients for aerial video.  And with the latest technologies for drones, this has made aerial photography much more accessible and led to higher production values.  But what are the different methods for aerial video? A lot of people are purchasing drones now a days, I found the best 3dr solo review. I have decided to get myself one for events. Helicopters and Airplanes Today, it’s easy to point at the drone.  But an important tool in the aerial arsenal, is the helicopter or fixed wing platform.  For many years, this was the only way to get the aerial shot.  And when you shoot from a helicopter or airplane, there are several different methods.  At the top of the production value is the remote controlled, enclosed gimbal camera.  This is inside a housing hanging off…

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drones corporate video

The 3 Levels of Drone Quality in Corporate Video Production

By Corporate Video Production

Drones taking Corporate Video by Storm Drones hit corporate video by storm over five years ago.  They were a video production tool that offered a fresh and different view.  And they were cool.  Until they flew into the client’s car or that building.  And looking back five years ago, there were two levels of drones– the consumer level (DJI had just introduced the original phantom) and the professional level (custom built kits, some with eight blades that could carry the big cinema cameras). The Hurdles in the Sky Back then, there were many hurdles to using drones in corporate video.  First and foremost was legality.   The airspace in the US is regulated by the FAA, and to accept any money for use of an aircraft in the FAA’s airspace, you had to have a commercial pilots license.  This could…

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How to be a Spotter for a Drone Operator

By Corporate Video Production, Tips/Techniques, Video Production

Why Use a Spotter in Drone Shooting? Aerial footage is something that many clients request for a corporate video shoot or production. Whenever someone shoots with a drone (sometimes called a UAV – unmanned aerial vehicle), the person operating the drone is designated the drone operator. The drone operator is not there only to fly the drone. They are also responsible for the look, movement, and feel of the footage. it is difficult for drone operators to watch their surroundings, since they are also busy concentrating on the flight of the drone. This is where a spotter comes in handy. You may be asked to spot for a drone operator and there are a few things that you’ll need to know.  And for companies that get FAA approval for drone operations (a FAA 333 Exemption), a spotter is mandatory.  …

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