
drone for corporate video Archives - S-Films

Aerial Video- Drones, Helicopters and Airplanes

By Corporate Video Production, Tips/Techniques, Video Production

We are often asked by our clients for aerial video.  And with the latest technologies for drones, this has made aerial photography much more accessible and led to higher production values.  But what are the different methods for aerial video? A lot of people are purchasing drones now a days, I found the best 3dr solo review. I have decided to get myself one for events. Helicopters and Airplanes Today, it’s easy to point at the drone.  But an important tool in the aerial arsenal, is the helicopter or fixed wing platform.  For many years, this was the only way to get the aerial shot.  And when you shoot from a helicopter or airplane, there are several different methods.  At the top of the production value is the remote controlled, enclosed gimbal camera.  This is inside a housing hanging off…

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