I get asked this by friends and family and the answer depends on what they want it for and how manual/automatic they want it. But I was asked this by someone in the industry. They are ready to upgrade to new technology and liked the setup I have for corporate video production. Camera for Corporate Video First, more often than not, I use a DSLR for my corporate work. But occasionally I need something to record long form– like a seminar or meeting. So what follows is what I recommend for corporate film– like interviews and sales videos, or marketing videos. If you’re recording a board meeting, the DSLR is not the best choice. Camera– I have the DSLR Canon 7D. My DP Ron Gonzalez has a 5D (both shown in the picture on the right). A Partner of mine…

When shooting with the DSLR’s, a monitor is probably the first most important accessory you’ll need (other than lenses). Especially with the Canon 5D and 7D, due to the LCD screen being fixed on the back of the camera body. I’ve used Ikan, Marshall and Zacuto. But a friend in the industry recommended SmallHD. What I like is that this monitor is true HD– many of the others are still using a 800x something. And one telling thing– the client the other day, over my shoulder, looked at the image ais that what my video is going to look like?” She was amazed at the image. So here’s my video review of the SmallHD monitor.