Top 5 Goals of Documentary Style Infomercials that are Worth Pursuing

Informercials proliferate the broadcast spectrum and with good reason—they simply work. Given the strong persuasive techniques that infomercials put to use, the infomercial market exceeded a whopping $250 billion in 2015 the U.S. alone. The marketing directors have been taking it to another level by typifying a new breed of infomercials – Documentary infomercials.

First, let’s define the two types of infomercials.  The most common is the “in your face” host driven, tv-show style, 30 minutes or an hour in length.  It’s strength is the ability to shock and awe the viewer into buying action.  This new type, the Documentary Infomercial, is shot with interviews and footage, with music and effects.  The advantage of this approach is a strong yet subtle sales technique that doesn’t come across as pushy.

Documentary infomercials eliminate the disarray that you might notice in a regular, run-of-the-mill 30-minutes infomercial. The copywriters and directors make a corroborative effort to instill a sense of orderliness and present the product information in a well-structured fashion. All documentary style infomercials do not produce equal results for all businesses. That’s because some businesses are smart enough to identify the goals of their direct marketing campaign around which all their infomercial marketing efforts revolve, while others fail to take an advantage. A good video production company can ensure high quality and effective documentary style infomercials that are worth pursuing.

Here are five aims that Serendipitous Films keep in mind when making the documentary style infomercials:

Identifying the Existing Demands

Documentary infomercials are the right choice for selling solutions to the existing problems. The documentary writers at Serendipitous Films are aware of the fact that the documentary infomercials are meant to sell products that address the existing demands. They would not work as effectively if they are used to create new desires and identify latent problems.

Seizing the Attention

Although you have 30 minutes to showcase your product offering, the few initial seconds of your documentary infomercial are very crucial to attract the attention of the viewers. Telling the viewers that you know what pains them and that you have a solution for it is a good way to begin and would certainly make them want to watch more. The team at Serendipitous Films always keeps this key fact in mind

Building Credibility

This is the obvious aim of a documentary infomercial that would determine its success. Every business has a story to tell. You could make your viewers trust your brand and your product by telling them an amusing and well-paced story behind the product. Incorporate the key information about the product as you go. Gripping copy would also tell what the product would allow the users to do.

Kindling a Sense of Urgency

Develop a strong convincing technique to get your viewers to believe that they need the product and they need it now. You could do so by creating a story to which the people could relate. The characters and the plot should be creative, simultaneously resonating with the real life situations faced by the viewers. The end of the documentary should exude a sense of relief among the characters upon being able to find a solution to their problem. That would make the audience want to experience the same kind of respite.

Message for the Long Term

Even though the viewers want to buy the product, they might want to sleep on the idea. The key is to leave a message that would stay with them for a longer term. It would remind them that a solution to their problem exists and they might actually consider buying your product several days after watching the documentary infomercial.

Leverage Social Media

It’s imperative to create a short trailer or promo of the infomercial and place it in your social media outlets.  Generating viral excitement can really help provide results for the whole endeavor.

How can S-Films Help You?

At S-Films, we take care of every aspect of producing a documentary infomercial – the script, cast, and the plot. We create copies that have an emotional aspect to appeal to the viewers and a touch of rationality to influence their final buying decision in a positive way. For an amplified outcome, we strongly recommend that an important individual from the company itself, such as the president, be the dynamic speaker in the documentary infomercial.