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Editing the Corporate Interview Video

By Tips/Techniques, Uncategorized, Video Production

Corporate Video Documentary Style One common style of corporate video is the “documentary-style” approach– the story told through interviews.  This can be in conjunction with a voice over narrator, but more commonly, told entirely through interviews.  It’s called “documentary-style” due to most docs relying heavily on interviews. Production The quantity of interviews can vary– a good number is a minimum of three (though there are times the one person video works, especially in a short video, or web video that’s around 60 seconds or so).  We’ve had projects where we’ve shot as many as 30 people for one video.  Because Dallas Fort Worth is home to many large corporations, we see many videos shot in this style in the metroplex. Post Production The way we approach the Doc Style video at SFilms is to create one timeline of “selects.”  We…

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