I get asked this by friends and family and the answer depends on what they want it for and how manual/automatic they want it. But I was asked this by someone in the industry. They are ready to upgrade to new technology and liked the setup I have for corporate video production. Camera for Corporate Video First, more often than not, I use a DSLR for my corporate work. But occasionally I need something to record long form– like a seminar or meeting. So what follows is what I recommend for corporate film– like interviews and sales videos, or marketing videos. If you’re recording a board meeting, the DSLR is not the best choice. Camera– I have the DSLR Canon 7D. My DP Ron Gonzalez has a 5D (both shown in the picture on the right). A Partner of mine…
The Corporate Video Meets the Movie At Serendipitous Films, we have a long track record of award-winning corporate video experience. But one skillset that is being utilized more and more in corporate video is our experienced in feature films. It’s not enough to train, motivate and sell through talking heads for some corporations. So we’re being asked to create exciting canvasses to communicate the client’s content. Case in point– over the years, our most awarded and successful training video was a spoof of Forest Gump. Today, that continues with a Fortune 500 company calling on us to create little “movies” with their employees to train on program and service features. Another client is asking for a promotional video in the form of a movie trailer. This generation is the YouTube Generation. Videos need to be quick, funny, sincere, sensational. And…

Caveat– all rules are made to be broken from time to time. But to break a rule in art, I believe you need to know what the rule is, versus it being an accident. So here are some random thoughts about corporate video: Easiest way to price a corporate video is by the “finished minute.” This means that if you want a five minute marketing piece for the web, the simplest way to quote it is $x times 5 minutes. Standards for simple video might be in the $1K range. I’ve had some videos in the $7K and $8K range. Usually the shorter the video is, the higher the price per finished minute will creep up. For example, if you price a video out at $2K per finished minute for a 5 minute video, and then decide to just cut…