In addition to our corporate video productions we do in the Dallas, Fort Worth area, SFilms has made five feature films over the years starring Adam Baldwin, Mimi Rogers, Lou Diamond Phillips and others. In today’s post, we talk to actors about quick tips to instantly impact their auditions and give a better chance for landing that role. The Dilemma for Local Actors When I was casting for Rising Stars in New York City, the producer that hired me (as well as most producers in LA and NYC) had a bias against local actors. They were fine for bit parts and dayplayer roles, but not for principles or leads. And as we auditioned back at home for these roles, I thought about this dilemma and why the local actors are handicapped right out of the gate. So how can a local actor…
Serendipitous is a turn key production company in film and video for corporate, commercial and feature productions. Check us out by clicking about us and look at our recent work. If you need a bid, give us a call at 817-371-9222 or fill out our form in the contact section. The film and video industry has been changing dramatically. From the early 1900’s through to the nineties, film production remained essentially the same. Video started changing with the advent of VHS and beta in the late seventies and early 80’s. And it’s amazing to see companies that fail to adapt to the changes of the industry simply die. Big companies. Take Blockbuster. They were king. Unstoppable. When Netflix started because a savvy computer program didn’t like that he had just gotten slapped with a late fee from Blockbuster, Blockbuster ignored…